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Florida Business Litigation Lawyers / Blog / Elderly Investors / Florida Department of Financial Services Presenting Free “Be Scam Smart” Workshops

Florida Department of Financial Services Presenting Free “Be Scam Smart” Workshops

During the month of October, the Florida Department of Financial Services will be presenting free Operation S.A.F.E. workshops throughout the state to seniors, their family, and caregivers. The workshops aim to inform seniors on the many tactics scam artists use to steal their hard-earned money.

Operation S.A.F.E (Stop Adult Financial Exploitation) is a multi-division outreach initiative led by CFO Jeff Atwater and the Florida Department of Financial Services designed to protect Florida’s seniors from financial fraud and scams through education.

The program will discuss how scam artists think, who is at risk, how to fight identity theft, and where to go for help if you suspect fraud.

To learn more or register to attend one of the seminars, click here.

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