Tag Archives: Florida Whistleblower Attorneys

The Importance of Whistleblowers to Help Detect Crime and Fraud
Whistleblowers are people who expose activities or information that are considered unethical or illegal. Some government programs, such as Medicare, rely heavily on whistleblowers to report criminal activity. In a recent interview, former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said more than 10 percent of Medicare’s budget is lost to waste and fraud. He stated… Read More »

What is the Florida False Claims Act?
A number of states have enacted their own false claims acts that address state fraud. In Florida, there is the Florida False Claims Act, which was modeled after the federal version and offers some of the same protections to the local state government. False claims include actions such as healthcare fraud and procurement fraud…. Read More »

What are Protected Disclosures in the Whistleblower Protection Act?
Whistleblower laws are designed to protect employees from employer retaliation in the event they voluntarily disclose information about illegal or dishonest activities taking place against a government organization. The Whistleblower Act (WPA) was enacted in 1989 and covers a number of disclosures. Proving Whistleblower Retaliation In order to prove retaliation, a whistleblower is required… Read More »